Join us for the magical transition from the cold, dark, quiet of winter to the bright, warm, busyness of summer! Spring is a wonderful time to get outside and  connect with nature through engaging activities, games, songs, stories, crafts, exploration, and community-building.

Please see our Registration Page for more info & our waitlist.

Learn about our programs here!

Our Summer 2025 Session is is FULL and registration will not open to the waitlist this year.

Please note that we are always in the process of updating our website. For the most up-to-date information concerning our 2024-2025 Program Sessions (including our expression of interest form), head our to Registration page or send an email!

We have 2 upcoming events for families!

  • February 2 – a Tea Party in the Woods

  • March 22 – Spring Fling in the Forest

Get all of the details here!

Be part of citizen science at KFNS!

Join our iNaturalist Project and help us to identify all of the more-than-human beings that we share the land with. You can use the Seek App to identify flora and fauna, and then post those findings to iNaturalist. If you found them within the boundaries of KFNS, they will get added to our project. Check out the project here!

Our Philosophy

In each of our programs, we strive to play, learn, and grow, and to build relationships to the land, each other, and ourselves through meaningful learning opportunities in a natural environment. Our team of dedicated and enthusiastic facilitators loves to learn alongside your child while they explore their curiosities and wonder at the ever-changing environment. We ask guiding questions that help to deepen a child’s curiosity and encourage opportunities to build confidence, resilience, and self-regulation. We do this through a child-led and play-based approach, and we follow an inquiry- or interest-based emergent curriculum (we dig deeper when and where there is interest with no predetermined “plan”).
Read more here…