If you’re wishing to register or have your name added to the waitlist, please visit our Registration Page.
If you’re interested in joining our facilitation team at KFNS, please note that we are not currently hiring, but you can view a previous job posting here: FNS Program Facilitator Job Posting for Spring 2024.
For all other inquiries, please email kingstonforestandnatureschool@gmail.com.
Monica Miller – Founder/Owner & Lead Educator – 613-583-0343
Kingston Forest & Nature School’s programming takes place on a private farmstead located at 3711 Highway 38 (if you’re using Google Maps, use County Road 38 instead of Highway 38). It is about 7 minutes north of the 401, and the driveway is on the left side (when heading north towards Harrowsmith) immediately before the large “Welcome to Kingston” sign. There is a small parking lot to the right once you’ve entered the driveway.
Click here for more detailed information about the magical space we call home!
NOTE: please be courteous to the landowners and DO NOT VISIT unless you have an appointment with Kingston Forest & Nature School staff or are attending a registered program.