Please check back often for updates & group order opportunities!

KFNS Branded Merch from Solis Threads
ends on Sunday, November 24 at 8:00pm EST (all items will ship to Monica/KFNS in early December)
$2-$8 per item purchased is donated to KFNS
Link to order: https://solisthreads.square.site/kfns
Our biggest fundraiser of the year! Our Annual Online Auction Fundraiser!
November 28th at 8:00am until December 1st at 8:00pm
100% of every purchase is donated to KFNS, and supports the replacement of our yurt wall this year
Link to participate: https://www.facebook.com/groups/kfnsonlineauction2024
Wool for Warmth, Weather and Wellness from Warmth & Weather
Ongoing (with special Shop & Support weeks with a 10% discount & free shipping throughout the year)
10% of every purchase is donated to KFNS
Link to order: https://warmthandweather.ca/?ref=kfns
Community Asks – Items we are Seeking
100% of items (or cash donated towards purchase of listed items) to KFNS
Check out this living document for a list of items we are currently seeking
Cash Donations via PayPal or e-transfer
100% of cash donations to KFNS
Donate to KFNS today by using our PayPal link (click the “Donate with PayPal button) or via e-transfer to kingstonforestandnatureschool@gmail.com
Just About Anything from Amazon.ca
1-20% of every purchase is donated to KFNS
Link to order: https://www.amazon.ca/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=kingstonfns-20
- we try to shop & support local as much as we can, but if you’re going to shop at Amazon, you can now do so while supporting KFNS
Personalized Labels and Tags from Oliver’s Labels
20% of every purchase is donated to KFNS
Link to order: https://www.oliverslabels.com/kfns
Eco-friendly household products from Tru Earth
20% of every purchase is donated to KFNS
Link to order: http://tru-earth.sjv.io/kfns
The hassle-free way to grow healthy fruits and veggies for your family with Plantables
Ongoing (but place your orders in the Spring for ideal planting)
10% of every purchase is donated to KFNS
Link to order: https://plantables.ca/for/kfns