In each of our programs, we strive to play, learn, and grow, and to build relationships to the land, each other, and ourselves through meaningful learning opportunities in a natural environment. Our team of dedicated and enthusiastic facilitators loves to learn alongside your child while they explore their curiosities and wonder at the ever-changing environment. We ask guiding questions that help to deepen a child’s curiosity and encourage opportunities to build confidence, resilience, and self-regulation. We do this through a child-led and play-based approach, and we follow an inquiry- or interest-based emergent curriculum (we dig deeper when and where there is interest with no predetermined “plan”). Register for one of our programs today and discover how Kingston Forest & Nature School can help build not only your child’s but your family’s connection to our beautiful, natural world!

Play, learn & grow with us. Here are some of the many things we like to do:

  • interact with natural elements & loose parts
  • learn about the local flora & fauna we interact with
  • watch for & listen to the creatures around us
  • chase questions, nurture wonder
  • tell stories, sing, dance, play
  • create imaginary worlds
  • explore numeracy & literacy concepts woven into play & emergent curiosities
  • incorporate Indigenous land-based knowledge
  • acquire knowledge about wild edibles & medicinal plants, including essential oils & herbal remedies
  • use nature to inspire our playing & creating
  • build structures & craft with natural materials
  • engage in child-inspired projects & experiments
  • learn safety & age-appropriate risk-taking
  • use tools to build & create, including fires, shelters, and more
  • encourage weather resilience
  • practise conflict resolution skills
  • promote confidence & responsibility through “hands-off” learning approach
  • explore positive mental health strategies & mindfulness

Kingston Forest & Nature School currently offers pre-registered programming for children ~2-13 years old, and drop-in programming for children of all ages. All pre-registered programming will adhere to a maximum 1:8 staff to participant ratio – these small group sizes allow for a deeper connection to each other, to ourselves, and to the natural places where our programming takes place.