Please scroll down to see our various upcoming events.


Please register below!
a Tea Party in the Woods
This event has been cancelled. See you at our Spring Fling in the Forest!
Spring Fling in the Forest
Let’s celebrate all things SPRING! The birds are returning, the sun feels warm, and the mud abounds! Spring is HERE!
On Saturday, March 22nd, between 12pm and 3pm, bring the whole family to welcome back the SPRING! We are celebrating the Spring Equinox forest school style – playing, learning & growing in nature!
Everyone is welcome to engage in all of the usual forest and nature school fun – nature play, campfire, stories, songs, wander in the woods, balancing on fallen trees, swinging on rope swings, etc. BUT we will have some special activity stations set up to celebrate ALL THINGS SPRING!
You can expect:
- recipes to inspire mud kitchen play
- a seed swap & some seedy crafts
- a tick & Lyme disease display
- some fun scavenger-hunt type activities to get you exploring the woods
- and more!
This event is open to all ages, however, please note that our regular programs & site are geared towards children 2-13 years of age. There will be staff on-site to enhance your visit & activity stations set up, but this is a self-guided event.
Please read more about our location here: https://kingstonforestandnatureschool.ca/about/contact-us/. More information will be provided to registered participants.
You must register in advance in order to attend.
In order to keep this event financially accessible, we are offering tickets on a by donation/pay-what-you-can basis. All proceeds from these events pay for staffing of the events & help KFNS to support more children in the outdoors. Suggested donation of $5 per family member.
REGISTRATION: please use this Google form to register for the event
PAYING VIA PAYPAL: please visit bit.ly/kfnspaypal to make your donation via credit card or PayPal balance.
PAYING VIA E-TRANSFER: please send your donation to kingstonforestandnatureschool@gmail.com with the event name in the memo line.
There may be a limited capacity due to parking constraints at this time of year.
PHOTOS: We take photos at our events. If you do NOT give permission for photos of your family to be shared publicly, please send an email with a list of all participating family members, and a note stating that you do not give permission for photos to be shared publicly, otherwise permission to share will be assumed.
NOTE: All participants will be required to sign an assumption of risk waiver and to follow our Illness & Community Wellness Policies.
Please email kingstonforestandnatureschool@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Head to our page For Educators – this is where you’ll find any current offerings for nature-minded educators & folx who work outdoors with children.